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What do I need to know about getting Lip Fillers near me?

Austin Brewer Facial Aesthetics Clinic in Bournemouth & Poole

Lip fillers are everywhere and they’re here to stay. So how do you choose which practitioner to let near your face?. Do you just google “Lip fillers near me”. “cheap lip filler” Or “Lip filler price”. What do I really need to know about lip filler?.  

Just like everything in life, there’s the good, the bad & the ugly. The business of facial aesthetics is no different. We are here to give you a few pointers to ensure you stay safe. Austin Brewer has been creating beautiful and natural lips since 2004. From his aesthetics clinic here between Poole and Bournemouth, we know what we are doing, and as Austin says

“I wasn’t nicknamed the – Lip King, by a highly regarded Harley Street colleague for nothing!”

The best lip fillers…

…are the ones that suit your face. By using a reputable product such as Juvederm® and using a trained medical professional to administer the filler. How do I make my lips look bigger? How do I make my lips look more even? Where can I get lip filler near me? Deals on lip filler? All of these questions are on everyone’s lips (excuse the pun!). More about being wary on cheap lip fillers and questionable deals later.

The important fact to note is that Austin Brewer has been established at his private clinic near Sandbanks in Poole for over 16 years. During that time has been trained by the world leaders in the industry.  Non surgical facial aesthetics (lip fillers, Botox, etc) are all he does all day every day. He has built his business proud of the fact, that his patients wellbeing is always the most important factor. And of course his excellent results speak for themselves.

The first most important factor to mention here first is No Reputable Aesthetic Practitioner will offer “Deals”. Neither will they agree to sharing product. So please respect your face and your wellbeing and find a practitioner not solely based on the price point. 

Lip fillers near me by Austin Brewer using Juvederm®
Austin Brewer awarded best clinic in Bournemouth

What do I need to know before a lip augmentation treatment?

There are a lot of questions you will have when wanting to get lip fillers for the first time. Why are lip fillers so popular?. Maybe you have moved to a new area and are not sure where to start. If you know people that have procedures, then you can see the practitioners work first hand. You can then organise a consultation and ask as many questions as you wish.  

Another note, be wary of practitioners who take “deposits” for consultations, that is then redeemable against any treatment. Suppose you choose not to have the work done with them?. You have essentially just paid for your consultation. Or worse you will feel that you have to go ahead with treatment just so you don’t lose your deposit. Just a cautionary note worth bearing in mind.  

We are very proud here at Austin Brewer. We are one of the few facial aesthetics practitioners in Bournemouth and Poole who offer free consultations always.  

Celebrity lip fillers in the news

With barely a week going by without lip augmentation making the press. Kylie Jenner’s lips have taken on their own persona entirely- first, it was has she?, she denied it, admitted it, had them dissolved then had them redone!. Fillers have also arrived on the high street via Superdrug. Even this well know brand has come under scrutiny and criticism from the NHS. This meant they have had to tighten up on their own practices. Including the very important side of any aesthetic treatment – mental health checks.  

We have to keep in mind a few things. Do you really want the best or are you really asking – what’s the cheapest lip filler?. The main problem with this is, cheap never equals excellent. Yes there are some areas of life where we may be able to save a few pounds. But do really want to exercise economy when it comes to someone injecting you face?. No Medical expert would try and get you to have work done, by trying to entice you with discounts and offers. This goes against good medical practice and their code of ethics.

Another important factor is make sure you see the whole face in those before and after photos. The lips should balance the face out and not make you look completely unbalanced, like a walking pair of lips!. So don’t just look at a close up of the lips – ask to see the persons whole face. If the practitioner can’t show you, then you should walk away.

Cheap deal or your wellbeing?

Do you know the other most important reason for using a medical professional for your treatments?. Supposing something did go wrong?. Such as you having a severe allergic reaction which leaves you struggling for breath. Wouldn’t it be much more reassuring that if any such unfortunate issue did arise, you were already in safe hands with a medical professional. Who would have plenty of experience to assist you with the appropriate medical equipment already there?.

Cheap lip fillers near me

It’s easy to lose track of how significant it is to let someone near your face with a needle. Really look at your face. Do you still want to risk someone who doesn’t really know what they’re doing inject you?. Especially when there can be all sorts of complications. We don’t want to put you off or scare you. With the rise of unqualified beauticians, and fake or counterfeit product being bought online .(if you can buy a fake Louis Vuitton online you can certainly buy fake filler too). Everyone need to be aware of what you are actually receiving in return for you hard earned money.

 Your dermal filler should always be bought from a reputable pharmacy. By your medical practitioner and should always be hyaluronic acid.  Lip fillers are a non surgical procedure. Never have permanent filler, because if something goes wrong you’ll need surgery to remove it.  

Although deciding to have lip filler augmentation is a cosmetic procedure. It should always be a very well considered decision and carried out in a sterile clinic after a thorough consultation.

Your face is worth the best

It’s awful to think that there are people out there, with too good to be true prices. That are actually luring people to lose sight of their own wellbeing?. It certainly is not your best interests that they care about, how can it be?. They are deceiving and enticing people to part with their money, only to left unhappy with substandard results. Results at best are unsymmetrical or overfilled lips anyone?. Or possibly there was nothing really injected at all?. Have you ever noticed your lip filler seems to disappear  really quickly?. So you have to keep returning. Which then costs more money over time. Therefore causes more trauma to your lips when they have to be retouched every few months?. Here at Austin Brewer our lip fillers last for 9-12 months, sometimes even longer.

What can go wrong with cheap lip fillers?

A worst case scenarios would be a vascular occlusion . This is one of the more serious complications (this can happen with any facial filler). It usually results in hospital intervention. Providing diagnosis and treatment is sought quickly. The surgeons will be able to save your face before necrosis. Necrosis is when you skin tissue starts to die. If this did happen you would be left with a permanent hole in your face. Unfortunately the sad fact is these are becoming more common. So when some who has little or no medical background is giving you cheap lip filler, you are at risk. People simply have to be made aware of the real risks associated with getting lip filler.  

The future of dermal fillers…

The reports that the government plan to make fillers prescription – only from 2020. (Source Harpers Bazaar 2020), just as Botox is prescription- only already, this at least is a step in right direction. Please don’t be put off having lip fillers, but use caution in your decision of choosing your practitioner. Creating beautiful plump and symmetrical lips are straight forward procedures. That need to be carried out by a medical professional and in the suitable clinical environment.

How to stay safe when getting lip fillers

Please stay safe and make sure you know all the facts about your practitioner, and the product they will be injecting. 

To get completely factual, honest and free advice, from a professional who is registered nurse contact Austin Brewer.  

We have a beautifully private and discreet clinic situated between Bournemouth and Poole. Austin has appointments available 7 days a week and evenings too. 

You can find more information about us here . Or contact us on 07823 883888 we look forward to seeing you soon.