
Are you Sun Savvy? Surprising facts about SPF’s

With all of us enjoying more time in the sun we thought it would be interesting to share some surprising facts about spf’s.  We’ve all heard the basic facts about sunscreen: apply 15-30 minutes before sun exposure; wear daily to prevent premature aging; reapply after swimming. But there are some grey areas. Can you use leftover sunscreen from last year? What about tinted moisturizer with SPF—is that enough?

A 2013 study concluded that the diligent, everyday application of sunscreen can slow or temporarily prevent the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. The study involved 900 white people in Australia and required some of them to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day for four and a half years. It found that people who did so had noticeably more resilient and smoother skin than those who didn’t. If you have experiencing damaged skin from sun exposure, take a look at our botox treatments to smooth out any fine lines.

Expired sunscreen can do more harm than good

“Using an expired sunscreen can lead to reduced protection from UV rays due to diminished SPF,” “Sunscreens degrade in hot temperatures, so those left in the glove compartment, for example, might lose their effectiveness well before the expiration date.” 1 year at the most is as long as you should keep it for.

Sunscreen is a must even when you’re indoors

Notice more freckling or discoloration on the right side of your face? That’s likely a result of UV rays penetrating through your driver’s side window. UV rays aren’t blocked by clouds or glass, which means you’ll need plenty of SPF even if you spend your days at a desk. If you are already noticing sun-induces wrinkles, you can reduce the signs of aging skin with a chemical peel.

Makeup with SPF isn’t enough to protect your skin

One of our last surprising facts about spf’s – To get the benefits of the SPF listed on the bottle, you need to apply one teaspoon for the exposed areas of your face and neck—way more foundation or powder than you’d ever need. they are nice as supplements, but you should put on a good base of sunscreen every day.”

And remember this……….

We can recommend a brilliant spf which provides broad spectrum coverage and your make up goes on over it perfectly with no greasy residue – if you’d like to know more why not come and see us.

Austin Brewer is an experienced aesthetic practitioner. If you would like to know more about our wrinkle treatments, including Botox ® in Bournemouth, call today for your free skin consultation on 07823 883888.