A Guide to Skin Needling and Dermarollers®

A Guide to Skin Needling and Dermarollers®

A treatment that’s still relatively unheard of is skin needling with a Dermaroller®.  Read on to discover the benefits of micro needling.  Including how it can help you achieve the rejuvenated skin you’ve always desired…

What is a Dermaroller treatment and skin needling?

Skin needling is the treatment whereby a wheel of small, delicate needles is rolled gently across the skin. This causes the body to stimulate the skin’s repair process.  A Dermaroller® is the tool used for the skin needling.

How does skin needling help?

Genuine Dermaroller™ Therapy provides advanced micro-medical skin needling.  A procedure that stimulates the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally and safely, creating smoother, brighter, healthier, younger-looking skin.

Why is micro needling effective?

After a Dermaroller™ treatment your body will start to naturally regenerate and repair the skin.  Working below the surface in the dermis. This takes time as new collagen is formed, new skin cells are generated and blood supply is enhanced. It can take up to 6 weeks before visible signs of regeneration and repair are seen.  The process will continue over the following months, providing you with a natural and long lasting enhancement.

How is it done?

We’ll start with a free skin consultation to discuss your treatment.  Once we have established a course of treatment suitable to achieve the best results possible.   During your needling treatment,  I will roll and criss-cross the Dermaroller® working over the area of skin to be treated.  Dermarollers® can be applied to any type of skin.  Making this procedure suitable to all ethnicities and types of skin

Will skin needling hurt?

Skin needling is not a pampering treatment.  It is a cosmetic treatment to get results.  Everything will be done to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during your Dermaroller treatment.

And after?

You may experience some redness and very mild swelling after the treatment (a little like sunburn).  But within 8 hours this will subside and you’ll begin to notice the benefits.

How many treatments are recommended?

Ideally, micro needling should be done every 6-8 for optimum results. With such minimal down-time, you’ll be eager to come back for more!

We hope you found our guide to skin needling helpful.  For more information about skin needling and Dermarollers® in Bournemouth, contact Austin Brewer via telephone on 07823883888. Why not browse some of our other treatments – Botox®in Bournemouth remains one of Austin Brewer’s most popular and in-demand treatment at our private cosmetic clinic.